Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I am

Jana, on her pilgrimsteps blog, posted a simple but possibly very powerful exercise in "flash poetry." The basic idea is that you answer, as spontaneously as you can, six questions. These are then, by a simple means, converted to a poem. Some of her reader's results, posted in her comments, were very moving.

It occurred to me that the spontaneity might be enhanced if the questions were asked interactively, so you only focused on them one at a time, and didn't think about how they might play into the end result. So, as an experiment, I wrote a little application that you can use to create your own flash poem. It will ask you the six questions, you type in the answers, and voila, you will have something that might give you reason for thought.

It only takes a minute. You can try it out here:

If you do, and you like the result, I would be happy if you added it to this post as a comment.

Remember that all the credit goes to Jana.

Oh... and my flash poem? I'm afraid it was way to personal to post. Sorry.



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